Wednesday, October 7, 2009

On The Stupidest Fucking Movie Ever

So im watching gi joe right now. and it has been hitting me with wave after wave of been there donethatedness so fast that it'd give heroes a run for its money.

so far it opened up with int he first like minute, after a half decent intro, reveal that an evil weapons corporation has developed a weapon that really puts the world into their palm. some nanotechnobabblebullshit that they dont realise practical limitations of. this is like what people thought nuclear shit did back int he 50s. dumbass writers. and theres more, then during the most classified mission ever, two guys they were showing more often than everyone else survive a surprise attack and a subsequent saving from the even more classified part of the government. jesus fucking christ are you kidding me? is this really happening? are we relaly going down this road? and then all of the sudden, one dude, meets the hot attacker girl and they had a relationship! THIS IS THE FIRST LIKE 10 FUCKING MINUTES OF THE MOVIE!!! anyway....

this continuesand the hot chick has a relationship with the evil weapons corporation ceo!!!! yes!!! thsi is really happening! they're trying to hit every passe, cliche, rusted old movie plot , whatever the fuck you wanna call the book!!!! so as i watchi this movie, i will leave a point by point summary of what bs this is....wait i just realised i could get in trouble for revealing the whole movie, i'll keep count and i'll let you people in for a ride......

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