Tuesday, October 27, 2009

On Music I Think Everyone Will Like

This if the first, of hopefully many posts about music i think everyone should hear. Todays song is called Pick Up by Bonobo. Bonobo is a british DJ with some mad skills. skills so mad.....that....its like....peta....at the sight of...seal rape... yes....that mad.

Anyway. I've been listening to his album Dial M for Monkey. Great collection of beats that evolve and dont get boring quickly unlike many other straight up beats. He owes this to his own contant refreshing of the sounds. he incorporates many new sounds every few bars, or changes a rythym or have a transition to make sure you dont get bored after about 2 minutes of the song. Through his beats ive been able to start writing lyrics seriously. not that they are good, its more that i couldnt a 4 down. so his music demands other creative people to put their own stuff on it - the mark of a true beat master.

anyway, i present to you, embedded for your convenience, Pick Up by Bonobo. i highly doubt you'll dislike this song. if you don't then....fuck you? yes.


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