Sunday, October 11, 2009

On Feminism

Shut the fuck up.

seriously bitches, wtf is up your ass? bitches can vote, get any job they want, do better than males in most school subjects and still you hos complain that ooooohhhh men in the same job make more money. then do what the men in those same jobs do, ask for a fucking raise.

on the reals bitches, they researched this shit and they found that women ask for raises far less often then men do. so what happens? you get paid less.

another thing, you're holding women back!!! seriously. now you're like wtf are you talking about you MAN. we're doing our best to promote gender quality and raise womens awareness!!! thats why we acknowlege the first woman to do stuff!!!! ok. let me break thsi down for you, and show you how YOU'RE being sexist and holding back true equality.

first, promote gender equality? i can understand if you're fighting against people like this guy.

cause thats just rediculous. but when you're fighting against the average dick having shmoe on the street, that isnt making things equal, if anything that shmoe is gunna be like "damn this bitch is crazy, irrational, on her period, and a fucking bitch. what a bitch. bitch bitch bitch." congrats, you've just created a male chauvinist. also, the person who just created this male chauvinist, is most likely a female chauvinist. same wrong doings, coloured differently are somehow ok since its the feminist movement saying it. sort of the same way how coloured people get away with racism. this problem of feminazis isnt that widespread though. for the most part, i dont meet dick-hating hitler bitches. however, i do meet women, and read feminist prose that glorifies women and their accomplishments soley based on that it was a woman who did it.
that is a serious problem. that in itself is sexism. we're going to make sure we teach woman about the first woman to go into space and spend lots of time talking about how important it is, and we wont talk about any women who were the first to do somthing PERIOD.

you cannot glorfy the person and their gender and act like their gender makes their accomplishment mean somthing. that is sexism right there, because a woman does this, it means somthing more than if a man did it and vice versa. there are many women in history, truely amazing women who have done so much for our society and its basic functions. radioactivty was discovered by a woman. the first time anyone ever won more than one nobel prize , it was given to a woman. the structure of dna, and 80% of the research that watson and crick used, was done by a woman. truely brilliant women here who deserve a spot in history. not because the person who did somthing had a vagina, but because the accomplishment itself is deserving of a place in our minds. why remember amelia airheart and the fact that she fucking failed her mission when we can remember madame curey - without her we'd all have cancer.

well, there was another really long paragraph here, but i decided to trash it like an rca appliance. why? it wasnt making any new points and it was long. and fuck that. i leave with you with this

Yes, this.

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