Sunday, October 25, 2009

On The Structure of the Universe

When talking about the life of the universe, we usually start with the big bang. Simply put, everything in the universe was compressed into one infinitely small point, and then for some reason it expanded. BANG. now, how and why this happened is the focus of many physicists. For instance, one explanation is called super symmetry. this says that in the beginning, the universe, while tiny, was perfectly symmetrical, and once again, for "some reason" that symmetry broke and BANG. Now, no one really knows why this small point expanded, it just did.

So you're prolly like then how do you know the universe was a point? cause we have data showing that universe is expanding to this day. push that motion backwards and you get the tiny point, from here on i will be calling this point a singularity. this may not be the correct term, but you see this |____| ???? that space is exactly how much of a fuck i give about that.

its important to note, that the expanding universe confuses scientists because the ammount of matter/dark matter/dark energy in the universe should mean that the gravity produced by it, should cause the universe to cave in on itself, instead its not only expanding, but at an increasing rate.

So one day i was thinking, why would the universe just expand?? so i started to think about things we know about the universe, and things that are not empirically proven, but mathematically make sense and is accepted as a good science in the community. no intelligent design here - in a later post i will talk about ID and how exactly its not good science. i also wanted to take into account a possible end of the universe. there are many proposed ideas, 2 of the simplest and most common are the heat death of the universe, and the big crunch. HDU says that eventually, everything will expand to such a point, that no atoms will interact with other atoms. big crunch is well....universe caves back in on itself.

the heat death of the universe has its roots in how the universe is expanding at an increasing rate for some reason. we know this to be true, but we do not know why its rate is increasing. this is at odds with the ammount of gravity in the universe cause the total gravity should mean we'll have a crunch, not a heat death. so theres info on both sides of that debate that can support.

so when i look at the world, i see an interconnected painting, and to understand the world, you cannot just look at the colours, you have to look at it from a distance and take the whole thing in. when i do that, ive seen that the universe, on many levels operates in cycles. the cycles may be long and complicated, by cycles anyway.

so when trying to think of an idea of how the universe begins, and ends, i decided that the universe too has to be cyclic. i believe in god, but i didnt wanna bring god into this either. for anything to exist ever, it has to have come from somthing pre-existing. nothing cant bare fruit, get what im saying? so in the universe, there has to be somthing infinite, i say its the universe itself. and it expands, and contracts.

but i could not stop there, ok the universe expands and contracts, but why? thats the question. newton saw gravity in action but didnt know why, and we still consider gravity the most mysterious force in the universe despite increased understanding. why is the question i had to answer.

so heres my proposal. what if the universe, is surrounded by an outer shell. and this shell exerts a vacuum on the expanding universe (the vacuum would come from the space between "exo-space" and our universe). as our universes boundary approaches this "exo-space" (thats a word i made up to help simplify) the gravity within the universe decreases as matter/dark matter becomes less dense accounting for why the universe is expanding at an increasing rate (the more dense matter is, the greater gravity it has). so what happens when the universe reaches the border of exo-space? well, the vacuum between the universe and exo-space becomes weaker as there is less room between the two (the universe is expanding increasingly now because the universe is young, and small). the gravity in the universe does not go away as there is still matter/dark matter in it. when the universe reaches the edge, it bounces off, and starts to collapse with the help of gravity from the matter/dark matter getting more dense.
it continues to cave in, however, as the universe gets smaller and smaller, that vacuum becomes more and more powerful. eventually the universe goes back to singularity, but the space between the singularity and exo-space is so large, that the vacuum created rips the singularity apart again, another big bang.

reader, do not take what i have just said as solid science. what i did was take pieces of info we know to be true about the universe, and tried to reconcile all of it. i dont want you going around telling your friends that this is the truth about the universe, it might be, but i dont KNOW. i just think that this is the most reasonable explanation for everything outside of god existing, which i think he does

yeah.......thats about it. i'll correct spelling and grammar for once cause i dont want anyone getting confused cause my english sucks.

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