Sunday, December 13, 2009

On The Duality Of Man

Who are you? seriously. Who are you? are you defined as individual because of looks? inner shit? thats a topic of debate in many different fields. recently i watched a documentary where the host went around and did experiments that scientists in this field use to figure out how we get our sense of self.

In this doc, he mentioned that inside, it feels like intrinsic truth, that you are you. and this you, isnt defined by your body's appearance. now, he says this feels like truth. later in the documentary he partcipates in an experiment where he sat down in a chair, and given viritual reality goggles. behind him, they set up two cameras, one for each eye and then the scientist starts conducting the experiment, he pokes the host in the chest, but takes a marker and makes it seem like hes poking in the camera's "chest". so what he sees, is himself being poked in the chest, but from the perspective of directly behind him, with the marker going towards him to trick his brain into thinking hes now behind himself. in the middle of this, he whips out a hammer and pretends to smash the camera's "chest" in. and the dude, seeing that, flinches even though he knows his body isnt there. when the camera is removed, he reported a sensation like...being pushed forward back into his actual body. no i wont read into this and say thats his soul, thats too easy.

they conduct other experiments which reveal other crazy things, like how you can predict a person's decisions before they even know what they'll do. from 6-15 seconds in advance (harvard got 15, this place got 6). also, these decisions were made before the information to make the decision was shown to the test subject. which opens up a really fraked up can of worms i wont get into here. one more experiment i must tell you about is the self awareness test. what they do is secretly put somthing on a childs face, and then give him a mirror, if the child immediately takes it off, he knows the kid in the mirror is him. they recognize the person is them in the mirror after about 18 months. chimps and orangutans can pass this test as well.

why have i told you these experiments? because that is the secular view on the duality of man. man is one and conciousness is the result of all lower brain functions manifesting itself in the cortex, but perceives that he is two due to a logical fallacy. his mind thinks it's separate from the body - while this is a good answer, i dont think the experiments prove this. in fact, i think they actually give proof for the indian philosophic ideas about the soul. whhhaaatt???

the soul is what, makes you , you. your soul in another body is still you.

anyway, they come to the conclusion that conciousness is the result of all brain function, the final product. hogwash. the mind and soul arent separate, and they arent one. they are a double helix (jumping to conclusions here, but woot dna?). the soul and the mind are constantly at war with eachother. the soul looks within itself to find the world, and the mind looks outside itself to find the world. the soul want to know the truths about the world, be "good", the soul is connected with the universe the same way our bodies are connected to the universe atomically. and this war is what gives the perception of duality. the mind tries to control the soul using any stimulus from the senses. food, sex, drugs. its these distractions which prevents the soul from learning truths about the universe and itself. now its fine and dandy to say stuff like this in our society, but ya'll dawkinists will think im crazy without some attempt at logical proof (logic does not produce btw, more on that later)

so, can this view of duality explain those experiments which seem to show that the you are just the final product of synapses? i think so.

1st: the baby and the mirror test. an indian philosopher would say that the reason why the baby doesnt recognize itself, is because their soul is in a brand new body, it has no idea thats what its vessell looks like. and in addition to that, the soul is trying to navigate its baby bodied vessel. at 18 months the soul/mind learns that this is the vessell for what i perceive as myself. imagine trying to navigate using a brand new language and symbols.

2nd: the camera trick. im sure you can figure out what the IP's would say about this. basically that you just tricked the soul into believe that the sensory input from the cameras was the same sensory input that its been getting this whole life. the soul gets tricked, the mind tells it its being touched, so you think YOU'RE being touched. i still dont know what ot make of tha tfeeling of being sucked back into his body. is that just him who felt it ?does everyone get that? dunno yet.

3rd: the decision prediction test. well i think thats possible because your "subconcious" IS your soul. ever get ideas and have no idea where they come from? your subconcious. just cause i call it a soul or subconcious doesnt change what we understand it as. its that thing thats part of you, that you dont really know much about. the subconcious mind is what makes these decisions. yogis delve into their subconcious to learn truths about the universe and themselves, we see these same yogis use this same meditation to go into their subconcious to SLOW THEIR FUCKING HEART. now do you realise the logistics of that? that means that he was able to conciously control an ancient part of the brain that has no connection to will, it operates on its own and automatically (hence autonomic nervous system). now we've seen this done on tv, but do you realise that hes conciously controlling the most base function of animalia? that right there is evidence that people there is a subconcious mind out of your reach normally, and through practice you can access that part of your brain. why is it a stretch to think that this part of your brain may be able to percieve more than our senses. we already know that our brain ignores 3/4 of all sensory imput anyway. i once had an experiment done on me (and my class) where the prof asked us to watch a video, and count the number of times the basketball was being passed among a group. after the video, he then asked us, who saw the monkey? no one fucking saw the monkey. he played the video back. a guy in a gorilla suit goes into the middle of the screen and dances around, no fucking joke, almost all of us missed that. maybe 5 out of 150 saw that.

i dont know what else to say about this, i dont wanna draw anymore conclusions but rather give you some food for thought. next time imma tell you what i think of logic, i can already hear the hounds of dawkins and darwin coming for my blood.

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