Friday, December 11, 2009

On Cassini's Photos of The Saturn Hexagon

This is Saturns hexagon

So have any of you seen this? So this is a formation that was first discovered by.....lemme check cause im thinking voyager and i dont wanna give you guys piss poor info.....*checks* yes it was voyager. anyway so cassini showed up recently and snapped a few of these. its a large rigid formation at the north pole of Saturn. wtf.

Why what the fuck? cause nature doesnt like straight lines. much less 6 pushed together. a few years after the voyager pictures (89) the black spot dissapeared (1991). maybe it was in response to the fact that nirvana was forming and they wanted to give them their full attention? who are they? aliens people, keep up.

i submit that there is an alien species living within Saturn, they are a gaseous race and are made of heavier gasses that dont occur under Earth pressures. cause seriously people, nature doesnt make straight lines. another thing i noticed as the difference between the inner hexagon and the outer hexagon. there not only is a black spot inside, but the area between the black spot the hexagons lines is a different pattern than the rest of gas outside the hexagon line. so maybe the hexagon is made of a compound that is hexagonal in its own molecule? given the pressures on the planet would it cause it to manifest itself as its most comfortable form? i have no idea.

really the most reasonable explanation is that it is some sort of storm cycle cause the black spot went away in line with the Saturns winter ending. so who knows what it is. to me theres more evidence at this point for aliens. but then again, there really isnt any evidence to make a conclusion either way, so my alien guess is as rational their storm guess. yes a hexagonal storm.

aliens live on saturns north pole, they build a gas barrier ot shelter them from the other gases and pressures. they saw voyager and were like wtf and moved their civilization deeper into the planet.

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