Monday, January 25, 2010

On a Possible Application of String Theory

Alright so i just got off the bus and i hit up the library on campus, cause i had a sick idea that i wanted to share with you mother fuckers while i listening some of this here Anathallo cause they're pretty good, well this song, i dont know any of their other songs - oh and the idea,pretty cool i think.

So in string theory there are different dimensions with each having new values of information being added and subtracted as you go up and down the dimensions. this information is information you can percieve in that dimension. here in the 3rd dimension we can have length, width and depth.

so what would a 2d creature be like? ive been trying to figure this out, and today on the bus i had an idea!!!! what iff........plants were these 2d creatures? by that i mean creatures that can only percieve 2 dimensions. thats why they dont move anywhere cause they havent evolved any reason way to percieve depth. this also explains why most plants grow up, down, and thin leaves. im just putting that out there for you guys. i dont have very much to back it up aannnnddd i wanna go get my groceries.

do you realise what this means when plants let their seeds drop? what that like????? casting them away into this abyss with barely anything to protect them???? thats insane!!!! plants are now the most badass creatures on the planet imo. they grow up out of...what to them, is the most nothing of all nothingness. ooohhh shhiitttt. anyway, i was thinking of writing about some more stuff, but now im like fuck it, no friiiiillllls.


So time has passed and i came up with another idea that i thought id shove into this. basically, what if songs are 2 dimension beings? we 3rd dimensional beings create songs out of random noises.....

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