Saturday, January 2, 2010

On Thought

i love how law = morality in the eyes of everyone. its a beautiful thing when people stop having a personal sense of justice and accept what is written as truth. rules or not, this type of thinking dominates us - truly shackled thought.

So today i was reading comments on youtube under a video i posted, and i realised somthing, exactly what i typed up there. Whatever happened to thinking for yourself? Evaluating information based on your own sense of truth, justice and morality? Im not talking about the conclusions you arrive at, but how you arrive at them. When did people start taking mental public transit? We are all, to some extent, chained in terms of thought. But who is more free? the person who is oppressed and knows it, or the one who has no idea?

How can i, as one person help people who are not free thinking, think for themselves? It's a very arrogant thing for me to say, but you must understand, im not saying that my conclusions are correct, im saying i arrived there under as much of my own power as possible. when i think about stuff, i step back and evaluate it based on my own character. Do any of you do that? If you're my friend, you do, but do any of YOU do that? Or do you just accept opinions, arguments and perspectives based on another figures thoughts? Seriously ask yourself that question and try to break free of the shackles tying you to the ground, raise your head to the clouds and see with clear vision all the beauty, truth and ideas of the world. see them for yourselves, not through the eyes, or mind of another.

I think it was einstein who said, never accept the words of anyone, not even me, if it doesnt agree with your OWN reasoning.

shit, we all have to do a lot better.

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