Sunday, July 12, 2009

Holy shit a blig

So one day i was like yo, i think too much. im not a smart man (chances are im less stupid than you), although i fancy myself a combination of Nikola Tesla, Winston Churchill, and Andy Warhol - minus the art. even though this means that in my wildest dreams, i would not be getting any pussy, it also means that in my wildest dreams, i'd create a pink and purple earth-rending robot that could traverse spacetime like brunoleski's (however the fuck you spell his name) brushes on a canvas. what im trying to say is, the only thing you're gunna get here, is a fist full of my mind rammed through you at warp-speed-squared. from my thoughts on ethics/morality, science crap, spirtuality, random stuff that shocks my brain into life, to pop culture, science fiction, movies and music. all of the good stuff that makes life worth living. anyway, i wanted to make this more interesting but fuck it, i gotta go to the movies just like all you other insignificant pions.

remember when i said i wasnt a smart man? i was OJ lying.

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