Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On Music as an Artform

You know, ever think about music? i mean...really...think about music. what is music? why is music? 5 double-yous music? so why is a collection of noises pleasing, but another isnt? why does music evoke such powerful emotions in us? i mean, the shit can move you to tears faster than a kick to the sack. why is this?

cause music is a language. music IS the universal language. and it appeals to everyone cause whether they know it or not, the music is being processed in that part of the brain. when you hear the times they are a-changing and you get this.....feeling in your stomach, that things are moving forward, triumph. but at the same time brings you feelings of loss and sadness. it isnt just the lyrics, if bob just moaned the song (which hes done before) itd still move you. a song, can evoke such a complex emotion that i had to use 4 adjectives just to describe it POORLY. music surely is a gift.

and what have we done with this gift? we shat on it. no one creates music for anything than a fuck, a jump around and a holla!!!! those arent the only emotions humans are capable of so why is it thats the only music that gets pumped through the airwaves. i could make this a screed on the evils of industry, but fuck that i just wanna tlak about music. and how much i love it.

music can be used for so much. music can change the world, indicate the change has taken place, it can heal, and it can hurt. lets stop pumping out crap for the sake of music in it of itself. how can we insult all the great music that has been released in the past, released today, and to be released on the morrow with crap? how can we insult one of the few universal human things? music isnt meant to make money, its art, lets keep it that way.

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