Thursday, May 20, 2010

On Pokemon

dude, i just watched some pokemon

it was completely gay ike totally fucking gay our parents were prollly like what the fuck are they watching? that stuff is gay . lolz, seriously man, the charmander, he just willingly accepts being imprisoned in a fucking pokeball, and is happy about it, like wtf? why the fuck cant he walk around like pikachu? or why doesnt he just go off and chill at some chill spot somewhere? and at the end of the episode it said something totally faggish and assinine er somthing. it was like
maybe getting lost isnt so bad at all! especially when you're lost with your friends. of course, finding your way home with your friends is even better!!!

like why the fuck did they need the last line? do they need to spell out that a good time includes finding your way back? what like we're just never gunna get back home er some shit? like we're lost forever? what, are we dead er something? like wtf. lol but seriously man, whats the deal with that last line? they really spell it out for kids. maybe thats why we know that we need go home when we're lost.....that show is a part of culture and humans are culture based creatures, like we need it to survive because we have no instincts and are useless at birth and stay that way for a long time.anyway, like future robots er somthing, enslaved humans, and they wanna extend their reach into the past, thus making the future better for themselves. so they go back in time and engineer stuff for us to see, to generate culture so we can survive, yes these robots are japanese. oh wait, better idea.


this idea is that future humans started getting lost and never comming back for some stupid reason. investigations showed that they'd meet up with their buddies, and get lost and never come back. sometimes leaving a note with some stupid reason on it. anyway, they were like how can we fix this. usually the lead scientist would get an idea, start to develop it and then midway through, call up his buddies and get lost with them, and never come back. and so this is how it went for years, and years, 7 full centuries infact.. where they finally had the idea to time travel. so they started to train time astronauts. the only ones who could time travel were the japanese and asianz of the time. this is because they had the lowest rates of getting lost and never comming baack. (alright, you see, *ahem*. the reason why asians dont usually get lost and never come back is because their driving ability, made it harder to get lost and never come back in a car. they usually cause an accident. OMG thats so racist lol. anyway keep reading my story). So eventually a crew of Japanese. Chinese, and one Indian person. Came back to 1975, and decided to start making anime and other brainwashing stuff and economic manipulations to create the ideal future. With china and India at the forefront of the world in 2900 er something along with japan as the worlds BIGGEST baseball league with so much money and pull within both govs that they are like another nation, a pseudo league that’s sort of nation no one knows what; as soon as you know what, you die in a tragic baseball aaccident. Of course these nations do have a noble purpose too, they don’t just want to have world domination (and in Japan’s case, they wanna be the only baseball league in the world, and still be a country sort of), they also want to rid stop the world from getting lost and never coming back. And thus concludes why I think pokemon was created.

See? This is why drugs are bad.