Saturday, April 24, 2010

On Fucking Awesome One Liners XVI

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

On Fucking Rainbows

LMAO. so icp is really fuckin gay. like who thinks dressing up like clowns and rapping poorly is badass? i guess juggalos but jugalos are like the scum that falls to the bottom in a pool of scum. real scummy stuff. anyway so im reading this cracked article about them and their new song miracles and how retarded it is. so i put the track on and read and listened, and then hear the dude bust out this line

fuckin rainbows! after it rains!

and this line

fuckin magnets!! how do they work?

lmao. fuckin rainbows man!!!! we're so high right now we up in the golden gate bridge-o-heaven!!!! oohhhh shit. wtf is the golden gate bridge doing in heaven? how shit is detroit if you think that? that bridge sucks ass. it has wires 'n shit. fuck that bridge. you know what bridge is awesome? london bridge. cause some dude bought that shit and it was shipped to him in pieces cause he didnt check to see that the famous bridge in london is called tower bridge. london bridge pwned a sentient being. wtf has the golden gate bridge ever done? opening credits of full house? fuck the olsen twins and that hip junckle joey (uncle + junkie = junckle) . bob sagat? more like bob FAGGET. yeah i went there.

yeah now that im done making fun of my own bad sense of humour, look at this fucking picture.

What the shit?

and its not like this isnt the only absurd thing in the video. in fact its the least absurd thing ive seen out of the two frames ive copied and pasted in the time i paused the video and rewound it to hear the fuckin rainbows line again. lmao fuckin rainbows!!! rainbows are awesome, im not saying they arent. like ffs its the visible spectrum, visible in the sky after a storm! the juxtaposition! the science! nature telling us shit! its wicked! but come on, you cant rap about fuckin rainbows unless you're eminem. and we all know that shaggy sucks it better. but in all seriousness, this isnt he weirdest thing ive seen in this video.

2010 Mordor Vaycay ;)

look at this picture. wtf is going on here? is he trying to be a pyramid? why the fuck is the sky on fire? heres a final image for you. this entire thing, was most likely shot on a green screen. let that whole thing sink in for a while.

yeah. totally fucked.

Friday, April 9, 2010

On Fucking Awesome One Liners XV

if gay got me off work, i would have been packing fudge years ago

Thursday, April 8, 2010

On This Seatbelt Ad

First off, wear your damn seat belt.

In closing, wear your damn seat belt.

On The Sound of English

So you know how when we english speakers, make fun of other languages, we say things that sound like it? you know, make fun of chinese by saying chang chong wang dong etc? well heres a video of what everyone else does to english. enjoy!